Adam Ramshaw

Adam Ramshaw has been helping companies to improve their Net Promoter® and Customer Feedback systems for more than 15 years. He is on a mission to stamp out ineffective processes and bad surveys.

The Complete MQL Action Guide for Converting More Leads

MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) is a relatively well-known term in B2B Marketing circles but there is little real world advice on what they are or how to apply to idea in your business. In this post we’ll look at practical approaches to identify and act on your MQLs in a…

customer survey questions

The Customer Survey Questions Experts use, with 149 samples

Customer surveys and customer survey questions come in many shapes and sizes and it can be confusing which you should use. But help is at hand: there are only three types of customer survey question you will ever need. In this post we’ll examine each question type, how it should be used and provide examples.…