[CX Tribe] 4 May 2021: Chatbot Statistics + CX Content Awards

[CX Tribe] 4 May 2021: Chatbot Statistics + CX Content Awards

Picture of Adam Ramshaw
Adam Ramshaw
Adam Ramshaw has been helping companies to improve their Net Promoter® and Customer Feedback systems for more than 15 years. He is on a mission to stamp out ineffective processes and bad surveys.

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This week’s quote is below by Jeff Bezos of Amazon (do I even need to add “of Amazon”?).

30 Chatbot Statistics That Will Define Customer Experience in 2021 and Beyond [Link]

Okay, so I’m pretty sure no statistic is going to “define CX in 2021”, but this is a useful list of relevant statistics and sources from Shubham Rajpara at Acquire.

[Net Promoter]
Zero is a Special Net Promoter® Number [Link]

I’ve been saying for a while now that when someone gives you a zero in a Net Promoter Score® survey they are not just providing feedback, they are sending you a message.

If you choose to respond to that message you can turn people around dramatically. 

Anyone giving you a 0 and providing comments is unhappy but they are still very much engaged. 

If you close the loop properly you’ll turn their story from “Company X is so bad” to “You can believe how good Company X is.”

So, I ran the numbers to get a handle on just how important the 0 scorers were and found some very interesting results.

Most Tenuous Link To CX for a Buzzword

Goes too… drum roll please… 

NFTs: A New Asset Class Sheds Light on the Customer Experience

I’m not even going to link to this content as it’s a nonsensical post just grabbing at buzzwords.

A month ago I hadn’t even heard of a Non Fungible Token (NFT), now they’re revolutionising business as we know it.  

Runner up award: 

How Bitcoin Revolutionized Online Casinos

This piece of nano-metre (0.0000000393701 inch) thin content was posted on CX Magazine’s website. Again, no links.

Seems like CX Tribe’s goal of filtering out the junk has legs for a while yet. 😀

ActiveCampaign Crosses 145,000 Customers and Raises Series C Funding [Link]

The investment brings their valuation to USD3 b.  

For reference here are the valuations for a few other companies in the CX space:

  • HubSpot (listed):  USD25.44 b
  • Nuance (soon to be ex-listed): USD19.7 b
  • Qualtrics (listed): USD21 b