[CX Tribe] 23 March 2021: CX Salary Guide + Survey Incentives + Acing CX Business Cases

[CX Tribe] 23 March 2021: CX Salary Guide + Survey Incentives + Acing CX Business Cases

Picture of Adam Ramshaw
Adam Ramshaw
Adam Ramshaw has been helping companies to improve their Net Promoter® and Customer Feedback systems for more than 15 years. He is on a mission to stamp out ineffective processes and bad surveys.

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“Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” — Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter

Personally, I come from the “perfect is the enemy of done” camp.

Have a great CX case study, statistic or insight you’d like to share with the CX Tribe? Hit reply and let me know.

[Best Practices]
The Best Customer Feedback Survey Incentives

This post reviews the latest research to uncover the best type of incentive to use to lift customer feedback survey responses rates and looks at the critical question of whether incentives change how people respond.

2020 Customer Experience Manager Salary Guide

Useful guide by Nuala Turner that includes salary ranges for a variety of job seniorities and countries along with some high level job descriptions.

[Strategy / Case Study]
Cost Reduction Creates Experience Improvement, Not Just Business Value

Jim Katzman from InMoment shines a light on the bottom line impact CX can have on the cost side of the business value equation.

As CX professionals we spend a lot of time talking about the customer retention value of CX but cost reduction is just as important. It’s actually more important for organisations whose customers don’t have a choice including governments.

For example, in this case study the organisation achieved a 30% cost reduction in one area of the business as a “side benefit” of a simple but substantial customer experience improvement change: Turning NPS Into Business Improvement Initiatives

How to Get Executives to Support CX Improvements? Appeal to Greed

John Goodman outlines what CXO’s care about and what they want to avoid. It’s a good post to ponder every time you put together a CX business case.

The issue of getting executive support, a.k.a. funding, for CX projects is not new. CX is harder to link to business revenue than, say, adding a new sales head or running a Google Ads campaign. 

But harder does not mean impossible and the secret is to think like a CFO. CFOs care about measurable improvements to revenue and cost.

Remember, capital for investment in the business is limited. 

If your business case comes up against one that shows a lower risk and/or more precisely calculated way to add revenue or reduce cost it will lose. It’s the only rational approach. 

You might have to work harder to demonstrate those gains but you must do it nonetheless.