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2021 State of Customer Journey Management and CX Measurement [Link]
This report by Pointillist benchmarks aspects of CX based on a survey of “1150+ CX Leaders” and contains some interesting results. It’s definitely worth downloading and reviewing.
However, in determining organisational performance it makes a pretty big research mistake. Rather than rely on objective evaluations of performance, it asks respondents to rate their satisfaction with their organisation’s CX performance.
This is flawed because people unhappy with their organisations performance may actually be operating at a higher level than those happy with organisational performance. This is due to differing goals and perspectives.
For example, it’s easy to imagine an Olympic swimmer feeling they’d underperformed when achieving a specific time in a race but a competitor in a State championship feeling like they’d overperformed when achieving the exact same time.
The same is true in CX performance. If your expectations are higher, your rating of your performance will be lower.
As I say, the data is interesting, but you need to take care in how you use it.
Australian brands are generally bad at customer experience [Link]
Australian companies, at least to Australians, can have a poor reputation for customer service and CX. Davy Rennie digs into this a little.
I also wrote a post comparing NPS scores in Australia and Europe and it was clear: Australian scores are substantially below European scores.(New Net Promoter Score® Benchmarks: Europe Vs Australia) Of course it’s not clear if they are lower due to expectation or execution.
Either way, Davy makes an extremely important point when he says customers are not comparing your customer experience to your competitors. They are comparing it to their last, best experience from any company.
If you have a Search feature in your software product, customers are not comparing your search with your competitors’. They are comparing it to Google!
Do you offer delivery? Amazon is your competitor.
You get the idea.
So, next time you’re in a CX design meeting and someone says “aspect XYZ of our experience is better than our competitors’” – make sure you ask which competitors they are talking about.
[Best Practices]
The Complete Customer Journey Analytics Handbook [Link]
For those who want a deep dive into tracking and testing the customer journey, and the associated data, this handbook from Merkle is a good place to start.
Of course there is some subliminal, and not so subliminal, promotion of the Merkle approach but you’re mature enough to filter that out, or in, as the case may be. 😃