CX Tribe: 16 March 2021

CX Tribe: 16 March 2021

Picture of Adam Ramshaw
Adam Ramshaw
Adam Ramshaw has been helping companies to improve their Net Promoter® and Customer Feedback systems for more than 15 years. He is on a mission to stamp out ineffective processes and bad surveys.

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“Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that.” — Anthony Volodkin, founder of Hype Machine.

One does ponder the irony in that statement.


Personalization vs. Data Privacy: Getting the Best of Both for CX

This well researched post, by Nikoletta Bika, examines the paradox between consumers wanting more personalised service, but at the same time becoming more concerned about their personal data privacy.

Personally, I don’t believe the raft of cookie notices that appeared after GDPR improved people’s management of their private information. The vast majority of people, myself included, blindly click “okay” so we can get to the information we want on the site. 

Even for technology experts, knowing the implications of clicking “No Cookies” (will my shopping cart/saved login/etc still work) are difficult. The rest of us have little chance.

But here, Nikoletta provides six useful suggestions of threading the needle to create a balance both customers and companies can live with.

For my mind, “only collect what you need” is the one of the most important. 

The less data you collect, the less risk from both nefarious external agents and an organisation’s own internal drive to improve clicks and conversion at, seemingly, any cost.

[Best Practices]

Bias Check: Do Your Personas & Journey Maps Reflect Customer Diversity?

Great article about being aware of inbuilt biases when creating customer journey maps and actively counteracting those biases.

It reminds me of a project I ran some time ago where a senior bank executive was adamant their CX was outstanding and there were no problems that needed to be fixed. Upon further examination it turned out they didn’t actually do any of their own banking – it was outsourced to their EA. 

When asked, the EA was not nearly so complimentary about the organisation’s CX.

The first bias to check is “sample size of one”, especially when that sample size is yourself.


Empowering Your Employees to Create an Amazing Customer Experience

In his weekly podcast customer service guru Shep Hyken’s interviews experts with deep knowledge of CX and customer service. This recent episode features Christine Trippi and digs into how to create the sort of deeply engaged employees that deliver a great customer experience.

Lots of great tips.


Women in CX

WiCX is an online membership community for women united by a common interest in CX. It offers that platform to the women in our community, along with curated events, resources and content to help women overcome their challenges in and out of the workplace. 

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