It arrives with this email:
This quarter’s revenue target just got tougher.
You not only have to close the deals already in the pipeline, but also find new deals to backfill the lost revenue.
But it’s too late now. Saving an account that’s formally terminated is almost impossible.
If only you’d known they were unhappy you would have acted weeks or months ago!
If only you’d known why they were unhappy you would have fixed it before they flicked the switch.
What if there was a way to know who is more likely to terminate and why?
Account Experience gives you the power:
Account Experience literally gives you an account by account strategy map: who to ignore, who’s thinking of leaving and who to upsell.
You can also:
Do you have a churn problem?
Account Experience shows you how to keep your customers for longer and grow them faster.
INAP reduced churn by over 50% using the Account Experience approach.
Think 100% retention is a pipe dream?
Not for Boston-based tech firm Alchemista.
They lost a huge account and knew they had to make big changes to keep their revenue safe.
With Account Experience, their retention rate is now triple digits!
Let’s chat about your business and how Account Experience can improve your bottom line.
No obligation.
No pressure.
Just solid information.
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